De förlorade fåren .......
Jesus sade till sina lärjungar; ".... gå hellre till de förlorade fåren av Israels hus." Matt. 10:6. (Israels hus, det är Israels tio "förlorade" stammar)
Om de förlorade fåren av Israels hus var viktigt för Jesus, borde det inte vara det för var och en på Jesus troende?
Jesus visste det som dagens kristna församling har förlorat ur sikte, ..... att de tio förlorade stammarna skulle bli återfunna. Här följer några tänkvärda ord av en okänd författare. (på engelska)
"Where is Israel?"
"Men don´t believe in the Bible now, as they really ought to do.
They have locked the door on the "chosen race" and won´t let "my nation" through. There isn´t a print of Israels foot or a dart from Joseph´s bow To be found on earth or in air today, for "the church" has voted it so.
But who owns "the gates" of the world today? Who is it rules the waves? Who dwells alone in the "appointed place", while the enemy hates and raves? Who stands today in the thick of the fight, oppresion and sin to quell? If it isn´t the host of the living God, won´t somebody rise and tell?
Who sends Gods Word around the world, to prepare the path for our Savior´s feet? Who frees the captives and plants the rose, who is reigning from David´s seat? So Israel is voted not to be, of course this is untrue For who is doing the kind of work, Israel alone can do?
We´re told the church takes Israel´s place; but the Bible plainly says A kingdom of stone that´s cut out for His own, shall stand till the end of days Who owns and carries the flags that wave, to the earth´s remotest bounds? If Israel by unanimous vote, is nowhere to be found?
Won´t somebody step to the front, forthwith and make his bow and show Where the cief of the nations is today? We very much want to know For Israel is blindly voted out, and Israel tis said is gone
But the Anglo Saxons would like to know, who carries God´s business on."